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Do fully insured plans pay PCORI fees?

Do fully insured plans pay PCORI fees?


Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute fees (PCORI fees) are reported and paid annually using the IRS Form 720. PCORI fee is imposed on an insurer of a specified health insurance policy and a plan sponsor of an applicable self-insured health plan. Do fully insured plans pay PCORI fees? What type of plans need to pay the PCORI fees? This blog explores complete details on the PCORI fees.

Understanding the PCORI fees

What is PCORI fee? The Patient-centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund fee is the fee that insurers of specified health insurance policies and plan sponsors of applicable self-insured health plans.

How is the PCORI fee filed?

The PCORI fee is imposed on an issuer of a specified health insurance policy and a plan sponsor of an applicable self-insured health plan by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This fee is required to be reported only once a year on the second quarter Form 720, Quarterly Federal Excise Return Tax, and it needs to be paid by its due date, which is July 31st. The calculation of the PCORI fees is carried out by one of the following methods: Actual count method, Snapshot method, Member Months Method, or State form method.

How to Go about PCORI fees?

To answer this question, we need to know the types of plans that need to pay PCORI fees. In general, the PCORI fees are assessed, collected and enforced like taxes. The PCORI fee is imposed on an insurer of a specified health insurance policy, and a plan sponsor of an applicable self-insured health plan. This fee is filed by July 31st every year using the Form 720. 

To assess their obligations, employers should: 

  • Determine which plans are subject to the PCORI fees

  • Assess the plan funding status to determine whether the issue or the employer is responsible for the fees

  • For self-insured plans, select an approach for calculating average covered lives

Do fully insured plans pay PCORI fees?

Yes, fully insured plans pay the PCORI fees. Fully insured plans include medical coverage plans, COBRA coverage, and Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) plans. The PCORI fee applies to fully funded plans provided by health insurers and self-funded insurance plans provided by employers. Fully insured plans include -

Major medical coverage plans - These are health insurance plans that cover a wide range of medical expenses, including maternity health insurance, critical illness insurance, health maintenance organization plans, preferred provider organization plans, etc. 

COBRA coverage - This refers to health insurance continuation coverage provided under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). This federal law allows individuals who lose their job or undergo a qualifying life event to temporarily continue their employer sponsored health insurance plan. 

Health Reimbursement Arrangement plans - This is a type of employer-funded benefit plan that reimburses employees for qualified medical expenses. 

Major medical coverage for retirees - Medical coverage for retirees includes Medicare, Medicaid, and COBRA. Medicare is a federally-funded health insurance program for people 65 years and older. Medicaid provides health coverage to low-income seniors and people with disabilities. 

Short year plans - A short year plan is any plan year in which there are fewer than 12 months

In a nutshell 

The answer to the question “do fully insured plans pay PCORI fees” has been provided in this blog. Additionally, details on the types of fully-insured plans that need to pay PCORI fees have also been provided. 

Does PCORI fee filing seem to take forever? Filing Form 720 and filing the PCORI fee need not be a complex proposition. Take advantage of our PCORI online portal that helps you file PCORI fees. Try filing PCORI fees through Simple 720, you’ll never go back to cumbersome paper form filing.

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