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About Form720



IRS Form 720, or the Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return, is an IRS tax form that businesses must complete every quarter to report and pay federal excise taxes. An excise tax is a tax that the federal government imposes on specific goods or services that are manufactured in or imported into the U.S. Excise taxes are often included in the price of the product, like gasoline or alcohol, so you might not even realize you're paying them. However, if your business sells a good or service that is subject to excise tax, then you are responsible for reporting and paying those taxes; IRS Form 720 allows you to do so.

IRS Form 720 consists of three parts, as well as Schedule A, Schedule T, and Schedule C sections. If your business is responsible for completing Form 720, you must do so quarterly and can file electronically or by mail. Payments for excise taxes, however, are required on a semimonthly basis and should be made by electronic funds transfer.

You are liable to file Form 720, the federal excise taxes every quarter when you offer a service, sell a product or goods that have an excise tax component. The Excise taxes are due for every quarter in a year and the below table indicates the actual due date. If the due date falls on a weekend or a federal holiday, you should file on the next business day.

Take a look at the below tabular column to know when you got to file your excise tax.

Form 720 Due Dates

MonthsDue Date
Jan, Feb, MarApr 30
Apr, May, JunJul 31
Jul, Aug, SepOct 31
Oct, Nov, DecJan 31
File Your Form 720 Now


File a final return if you have been filing Form 720 and you:

  • Go out of business, or
  • Won't owe excise taxes that are reportable on Form 720 in future quarters.

IRS excise tax form comprises of several sections and understanding them makes your tax filing process smooth. Here's a brief overview of the various sections involved in Part I in IRS Form 720.

Environmental Tax(Form 6627):

Dealers and sellers of; crude oil, imported petroleum products, and ODC's are subjected to file this excise tax return.

Communication Tax:

If you're using local telephone services and teletypewriter exchange service, you're liable to file this Quarterly Federal Communication Tax.

Air Transportation Tax:

Air transportation Tax needs to be filed by the Airline Company, providing a consolidated report about the passengers and the property handled through flights. Also, the usage of transportation facilities should be reported in this excise tax form.

Fuel Tax:

This involves the use and sale of diesel, kerosene, gasoline, and LNG.

Retail Tax:

All manufacturers and sellers of highway vehicles such as buses, heavy trucks, and truck tractors should file under this category.

Ship Passenger Tax:

The IRS imposes a tax on certain ship voyages. This tax is applied annually to the person organizing the voyage.

Foreign Insurance Tax:

Foreign issuers issuing policies such as indemnity bonds and casualty insurance are implied.

Yes, there is a part-II in form 720, which includes sports fishing equipment, arrow shafts, fishing roles and poles, use of fuel on inland waterways, Indoor tanning services, LUST tax on inland waterways fuel use, Inland waterways fuel use tax, and electric outboard motors.

On Part III of IRS Form 720, should calculate your total taxes by adding both totals from Part I and Part II. If Schedule C is filled, you’ll add the amount of your total claim along with deposits made for the quarter and Overpayment from previous quarters. If total tax is greater than the additional amount of total claim, deposits, andOverpayment; Balance due should be paid with your return filing of Form 720. On the other hand, if the total tax is lesser than the additional amount of total claim, deposits, and Overpayment, you'll be able to indicate what you wish to do with the overpayment difference. You can either apply the amount to your next return or have it refunded to you.


Schedule A:

Schedule A in IRS form 720 helps you list the deductions, which includes various categories of expenses such as medical and dental, charity gifts, theft losses, and taxes. For easy and hassle-free, filing of Schedule A you should file it through SIMPLE 720 and preserve the documents of the expenses made during the year in your registered account.

Schedule T:

Also known as the two-party exchange information reporting is imposed on diesel fuel used in the terminal, or delivered within a terminal. The same rule applies to the usage of Kerosene, Gasoline, and Aviation Gasoline too.

Schedule C:

To report loss or profit of the business you own or the profession you handle, you need to file in Schedule C. Here, you can explain your wages, expenses along with income and deductions too.


If you have someone filing your Form 720 for you, they are considered as Paid Preparers. They need to enter their name, PTIN, Firm Name, EIN, Date, Contact Number, and address in Form 720. Along with that, they need to attach Form 8453-EX since an electronically transmitted return will not be considered complete or filed unless Form 8453-EX is signed by the taxpayer and Paid preparer, scanned into a PDF file, and enclosed with the return. The IRS requires tax preparers to authenticate each one of their clients.